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Writer's pictureShelley @animalsoulsync

Case Study Application Information

For those that know me, they know I like logic, facts and knowing the "why" to everything. Yet doing what I do, it can be quite hard to provide the hard evidence that "talking to your animals" can not only be fun, but beneficial to your pet as well. Plus I like to be reminded as much as possible that I haven't just got mad.

I have had so many wonderful clients report changes, both physical and emotional after our sessions that I got curious as to just how far this can go. So, whilst I am not a scientist, I thought I would put together some case studies and work with animals with specific behaviour/emotional issues. Work with them through their trauma and ask their care givers to document the changes before, during and for some time after to see how much this can really help. So, in the name of me pretending to be a scientist, here are all the details you'll need if you'd like to apply.

If you'd like your pet to be considered, could you please fill out the form at This will help me learn more about your pet and their needs and work out if I can reduce travel to certain areas and see clients in bulk so I can take on more cases and therefore help more pets and their caregivers. I am looking for a specific number of cases, species, and problems to help me collect tangible information and as much as I’d love to help everyone’s gorgeous pet’s, I just don’t have the free resources right now so I’m doing what I can, with your help of course!

There is no charge for those selected to participate, except for travel costs, which are £1 per mile from PO7 each way. I will be donating my time for the talking sessions free of charge for as long as the pet tells me they require it, this could be just one session or several (future sessions can be virtual), but we’ll know more after the initial meeting as this will be led by your pet. I will also need you to be present for the first session and we can meet in a neutral space/yard/park if you prefer. I do not need to physically touch the animal (but if they want some snuggles it’s always welcome and on their terms!).

In exchange you, as the pet’s caregiver, will be expected to complete short questionnaires to help me document the progress over the coming days, weeks and even months after the sessions have finished and write about your experience working with me. Your pets may ask for you, as their care giver, to help support them during their healing and this may be things such as changing routines, trying new routes, allowing time off, seeking medical or nutritional advice or just giving space. It is so important that you can follow their advice should they ask for your help. All of this feedback is required to help me put together long-term data as to the effectiveness of talking therapy for pets.

In the meantime, I can still help you and your wonderful pet, and you can book a one-to-one session at For behavioural and emotional problems specifically, I’d always recommend a virtual or in person connection as this is where real healing takes place. I also offer a monthly concession for ongoing sessions, which might be a viable option for you moving forward but all the details are on the website.

Thank you again for your interest! I look forward to reading your application and hopefully working with you and your pet soon.

Best wishes,

Shelley @ Animal Soul Sync

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