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Case Study Application

Thank you for your interest in participating in my Animal Communication Talking Therapy case studies! I am dedicated to understanding and improving animal behaviour through holistic, communicative methods. By volunteering, you will be contributing to my research and helping me document the impact of talking therapy on various behavioural and emotional issues in animals. This is a holistic, non-invasive method to help our animal companions. I'm aiming to develop not only my skills but a programme to follow to help our animal companions on an emotional and mental level with tangible proof of the benefits that talking to our animals can have on both pets and their owners.


What is Involved?

As a participant in my case studies, you and your pet will receive one-on-one animal communication therapy session(s). The initial consultation should be in person, subsequent sessions can be done remotely or in person (travel costs will apply). 

These sessions are designed to address specific behavioural or emotional issues your pet is experiencing. Throughout the process, we will document your pet's progress and gather data to better understand the effectiveness of our methods. You will be required to give feedback via an online form in the weeks and months after the sessions to help document the changes (if any) that you, your pet and your relationship experience. The aim is to create a tangible record of the positive changes that talking therapy for our pets can have.


What to Expect:

  1. Initial Consultation: We will start with an initial consultation to understand your pet's needs and establish a baseline for their behaviour. You will need to complete a form to begin the documentation process. We need to meet in person so I can be physically present with your pet. This helps me establish a stronger connection for the talking therapy to work. There is no time limit t these sessions but I will aim to keep them under 1 hour, however some pets will require more or less time, we go at their pace. I do not need to touch your pet to communicate.

  2. Therapy Sessions: Your pet will receive a series of talking therapy sessions with me. Each session will involve detailed communication with your pet to identify underlying causes and work towards resolving them. Your pet will tell us when they do not require additional sessions. This will be fully determined by the animal. They may only require one session or it may be on-going. 

  3. Progress Documentation: We will document each session, noting any changes in behaviour and emotional wellbeing in the time leading up to, during and after the session. This information will be used for research and publication purposes, with personal details kept confidential and anonymised. This will be an ongoing process after the therapy sessions have ended to ensure your pet is still making progress. Sometimes changes can take weeks or months, but it is important we document for long enough to establish timelines.

  4. Follow-ups: Regular follow-ups will be conducted to monitor ongoing progress and make necessary adjustments to the therapy plan. These will be done on a case by case review.


Important Notes:

  • Selection Process: Please note that not all pets will be chosen for the case study due to limited availability and specific criteria required for our research. However, I value every application and will keep your details on file for future case studies if you opt in.

  • Caregivers: As the animal caregiver, you need to fully embrace this process and where possible follow the wishes your animal may request during their healing journey. They may not wish to discuss issues with you, they may request things, they may change their personality or habits. It is important to be open minded and realise that, like with humans going through a rough time, compassionate support is vital to recovery.

  • Confidentiality: All information gathered during the case study will be kept confidential. Personal information will be anonymised in any published materials.

  • Not a substitute for medical needs: Like with a humans, you wouldn't see a psychiatrist for a broken arm. If your pet highlights a medical or nutritional need or request, please ensure you seek the correct professional as I am not qualified in anyway to give medical or nutritional advice. 

  • Opt-In for Future Case Studies: If your pet is not selected for the current case study, would you like to be considered for future opportunities? Please indicate your preference on the volunteer form. We will keep your details on file and reach out when new case study opportunities arise.


I appreciate your willingness to contribute to my research and look forward to working with you and your pet. To apply, please fill out the form below.


If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact me.



Thank you for helping make a difference in the lives of animals!

Application Form

Thank you for volunteering to participate in our case study process. Please fill out the following information to help me understand more about your animal. Please note that not all applications will be successful.

Thanks for your application! If you are successful we will be in touch soon.

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