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  • What is animal communication?
    Animal communication is the art of understanding and connecting with our animal companions on a deeper level. We communicate telepathically using what is known as the "Universal Language". From a young age, humans are naturally intuitive beings, using our instincts to convey our needs and emotions. However, as we grow older, we may become less attuned to this innate ability. Animals, on the other hand, remain highly sensitive to intuitive communication and are adept at picking up on our emotions and intentions. Some of us humans can tune back into this universal language through means of telepathy and that is how I am able to converse with your animals. As an animal communicator, I work with animals at this intuitive level, receiving information through a variety of channels, including feelings, words, images, and physical sensations. Each animal is unique, with their own individual perspectives and emotions. Through animal communication, I can help you gain insight into your pet's true feelings and behaviors, fostering a deeper understanding and strengthening the bond between you. Communication sessions provide an opportunity for both you and your pet to share your feelings and concerns, facilitating rapid resolution of issues and promoting harmony in your relationship. Additionally, these sessions may uncover the wisdom and insights that our animal companions have to offer, enriching our lives in unexpected ways.
  • Interspecies Telepathic Communicators Code of Ethics
    CODE OF ETHICS FOR INTERSPECIES TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATORS Formulated in 1990 by Penelope Smith Our motivation is compassion for all beings and a desire to help all species understand each other better, particularly to help restore the lost human ability to freely and directly communicate with other species. We honor those that come to us for help, not judging, condemning, or invalidating them for their mistakes or misunderstanding, but honoring their desire for change and harmony. We know that to keep this work as pure and harmonious as possible requires that we continually grow spiritually. We realize that telepathic communication can be clouded or overlaid by our own unfulfilled emotions, critical judgments, or lack of love for self and others. We walk in humility, willing to recognize and clear up our own errors in understanding others� communication (human and non-human alike). We cultivate knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of human, non-human, and interspecies behavior and relationships, to increase the good results of our work. We get whatever education and/or personal help we need to do our work effectively, with compassion, respect, joy and harmony. We seek to draw out the best in everyone and increase understanding toward mutual resolution of problems. We go only where we are asked to help, so that others are receptive and we truly can help. We respect the feelings and ideas of others and work for interspecies understanding, not pitting one side against another but walking with compassion for all. We acknowledge the things that we cannot change and continue where our work can be most effective. We respect the privacy of people and animal companions we work with, and honor their desire for confidentiality. While doing our best to help, we allow others their own dignity and help them to help their animal companions. We cultivate understanding and ability in others, rather than dependence on our ability. We offer people ways to be involved in understanding and growth with their fellow beings of other species. We acknowledge our limitations, seeking help from other professionals as needed. It is not our job to name and treat diseases, and we refer people to veterinarians for diagnosis of physical illness. We may relay animals� ideas, feelings, pains, symptoms, as they describe them or as we feel or perceive them and this may be helpful to veterinary health professionals. We may also assist through handling of stresses, counseling, and other gentle healing methods. We let clients decide for themselves how to work with healing their animal companions� distress, disease or injury, given all the information available. The goal of any consultation, lecture, workshop, or interspecies experience is more communication, balance compassion, understanding, and communion among all beings. We follow our heart, honoring the spirit and life of all beings as One.
  • How does animal communication help my pet?
    Just as humans find comfort in expressing themselves, animals too benefit from the opportunity to communicate their thoughts and emotions. While it's challenging to compile an exhaustive list of issues animal communication can address, my primary focus is on the animal's wellbeing overall and addressing behavioral concerns and where they come from. From dogs exhibiting excessive barking or excitement to horses experiencing fear reactions, the spectrum is vast. Moreover, animal communication extends to addressing emotional challenges and highlighting any physical discomfort. There is also the opportunity for your animal to release stored trauma during our connections - it really is a bit like seeing a therapist and the benefits are the same. I have had clients report immediate changes in their animal after meeting me in person but the benefits for both the animal and their owner have sometimes been life changing. However, it's important to emphasize that animal communication does not replace professional veterinary and/or nutritional care. For any physical ailments, it's crucial to consult a vet before seeking alternative solutions.
  • How can animal communication help me?
    Engaging in animal communication can profoundly enrich your relationship with your pet, offering you a deeper understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and needs. It helps you to really feel like you understand your pet, get confirmation that you're doing the best you can fo them and it's also pretty fun to learn more about their personality, even the accent they might have! Deeper Connection: Animal communication allows you to forge a stronger bond with your pet by connecting with them on a level beyond words. Through this connection, you can gain insight into their unique personality, preferences, and the depth of your relationship. Understanding Behaviors: Many pet owners struggle to decipher their pet's behaviors, whether it's excessive barking, aggression, or fearfulness. Animal communication provides clarity by uncovering the underlying reasons behind these behaviors, whether they stem from past experiences, emotional imbalances, or unmet needs. Addressing Emotional Challenges: Pets, like humans, can experience a range of emotions, including anxiety, sadness, and trauma. By communicating with your pet, you can identify and address emotional challenges they may be facing, providing them with the support and reassurance they need to thrive. Improving Well-being: Understanding your pet's emotional and physical well-being is essential for ensuring their overall health and happiness. Animal communication can help detect subtle signs of discomfort or illness that may go unnoticed, allowing you to take proactive steps to address any issues and enhance your pet's well-being. Resolving Behavioral Issues: Whether it's separation anxiety, aggression towards other animals, or destructive behavior, animal communication can offer valuable insights into resolving behavioral issues. By addressing the root cause of these behaviors, you can implement targeted strategies to create a harmonious and stress-free environment for both you and your pet. Providing Emotional Support: Just as pets offer us unconditional love and support, they also benefit from receiving the same in return. Animal communication provides a safe space for your pet to express their feelings and concerns, offering them comfort, validation, and emotional healing. In essence, animal communication empowers you to become a more empathetic and attentive caregiver, fostering a relationship with your pet built on trust, understanding, and unconditional love. It's a journey of discovery and connection that can profoundly enrich both your life and the life of your beloved companion.
  • How do I book a connection with you?
    Photograph Connections Please use the form at the bottom of the service page. Once you complete the form you will be taken to the payment options where you can securely purchase your connection. I will contact you via email (or Whatsapp/Facebook if that is how you made contact initially) where I will request the following: Your pet's name Living or passed Photograph(s) of your animal (Try to include a clear view of the eye where possible and contain only the animal you wish for me to connect to.) 2-3 questions to include in the conversation Any additional information you'd like to share (Please allow up to 5 working days for this email.) Once I have made a connection with your animal, I will email over a report (unless discussed) with the conversation for you to read. I aim to complete all readings within 5 days of receiving the photographs. Virtual Connections Please use the form at the bottom of the service page. Once you complete the form you will be taken to the payment options where you can securely purchase your connection. I will contact you via email (or Whatsapp/Facebook if that is how you made contact initially) where I will request the following: Your pet's name Dates and Times you are most available so we can secure a time for the call. Method of call and how to connect (Zoom, Whatsapp, Phone etc) Living or passed Photograph(s) of your animal (Try to include a clear view of the eye where possible and contain only the animal you wish for me to connect to.) Any additional information you'd like to share (Please allow up to 5 working days for this email.) I will make a connection with your animal via the photograph before the phone conversation. I allow 45 minutes for the phone call so please be sure you have any questions prepared ahead of time (or wing it, that's fine too!). In Person Connections Email me directly so we can discuss location and date/times - I do not require anything ahead of time to prepare. However, please feel free to share photos or concerns ahead of time if there is something you specifically want me to help with. There is no such thing as sharing too much information if you want to receive the best out of my visit. If you are looking for a horse yard visit, please see the section in the FAQ specific to horse yard visits. I do not need to touch your animal during the connection, they can have full autonomy. I always suggest a secure location where you know your pet is safe to wander freely and you are able to enjoy the experience too. I charge for travel time each way (£15/hour from my home PO7, Hampshire). I do have limited mobility due to health issues so please advise me of any extra precautions I may need to make when attending in person.
  • Can you diagnose my pet?
    No, I will never give medical or nutritional advice or diagnose your pet. I am not a qualified veterinarian or nutritionist and seeking out help from a medical professional should always be your first step in helping an animal. What I can do is tell you how and where the animal feels things. I am given sensations in my own body which animals highlight are bothering them. This could be my joints feeling stiff which may allude to arthritis, to my vision dimming to hint at loss of sight. Sometimes my belly physically swells up or I am drawn to making a repetitive motion. This does not harm me and I can ask the animal to stop sharing these sensations at any time, but do give a good indication as to what and where your animal is drawing my attention to - often we can correlate the positioning on a human body to that of the animals, such as wrists on a human being the horses' front knee. This can be especially helpful if you're having a "don't know where to start" issue or would like to support your vet's diagnosis. It is important to be aware that animals are often exceptionally good at hiding their pain; this is imperative for their survival in the wild where showing signs of weakness would put them in danger. It is also crucial to point out that just like humans, animals may not even realise they are sick. Humans can go for years without realising there is anything wrong and unless it is causing physical pain, they are likely to ignore it. Animals are more like humans than we realise in this instance! It is also important to highlight that many animals have shown me natural, holistic methods such as herbs, to help them heal and they may suggest something during a session which they believe may help (and often they're spot on!). It is up to you whether you seek further advice about these methods from a professional. Do not ever follow the advice from a pet during a connection without first ensuring it is safe to do so.
  • Can you make my pet stop doing a certain behaviour?
    Like humans, animals also get the choice of free will and it isn't my position to change an animal's behaviour, even if it is one that can be dangerous or unhelpful. I can explain to the animal how their behaviour impacts others around them, but I would never force or discipline an animal for communicating physically their needs. Often our animals only act out through instinct, and they cannot control these knee jerk reactions. Animals communicate with us constantly and an animal that is not acting themselves will be trying to tell us something. My job is to help you understand where that behaviour comes from. Through understanding where it originates, you may be able to not only be more empathetic but try to work together with your pet to discover new ways to help unwanted behaviour. Sometimes our pets can give us suggestions as to how we can move forward together to fix problem behaviours. It's up to you to listen and react accordingly. Animal communication often comes with having to take a hard look at ourselves and our actions too. If an animal is anxious because of your actions, you can't just tell them to behave, you must change your actions and your mindset to find balance for you and your pet. Animals will always show us love, but we are their caretakers, and it is our duty to work alongside them and not demand things of them they do not feel they're capable of. Animal communication can often highlight these areas so please ensure you have full support around you to help you through anything difficult that may be addressed during a connection.
  • Will it hurt my animal?
    Communicating with animals in this way is completely natural and non-harmful to your pet - many are excited at the chance to speak. It is not intrusive, and I do not need to be in physical contact with the animal to connect. They have full autonomy and the space they need. They have free will to decline my invitation to connect (though in my experience this has never happened!) In fact, many animals experience a sense of relief or gratitude when given the chance to express themselves and be heard and understood from their perspective. Like talking to a friend can help us to feel better, animals experience the same feeling when they feel like they're being heard. It can be completely transformative for them, and many clients reported changes in their pet's behaviour almost immediately after our connection.
  • How do you talk to animals?
    Think of it like a radio station. To listen to a different station, you must change the frequency. I'm able to jump onto a different frequency and it is on this new radio frequency that I can hear your animals' thoughts, just like they can hear mine. This is called a "Universal Language" and we can communicate from anywhere once we've established that connection (or saved that radio station!). Once connected, not only can I listen to their thoughts, but I can also feel their emotions, I can share sensations they have in their bodies, and I have even been called to move my body in a certain way to help them explain their perspectives. I see images, hear things and can even smell and taste things (though I try not to use this sense where possible!).
  • Can you connect to animals who are no longer with us?
    Yes! Do you remember learning about the Law of Conservation of Energy. This principle states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. This is a fundamental concept in physics, underlying many scientific theories and applications. So, when our physical bodies die, our energy continues outside of our bodies. Our pets (and loved ones!) who are no longer physically present are still in their energetic bodies - this is what I connect to and speaking to pets who have crossed over the rainbow bridge is the same principle as connecting to one stood right in front of me. I would always suggest if you wished to connect to a pet who has passed to ensure you are of a sound state of mind and have adequate support around you as these can often be emotional connections, beautiful, but emotional, so make sure you're safe and supported before we dive in.
  • What animals can you talk to?
    All types! Most often I am found talking to horses, dogs and cats, but the language is universal and can work for any animal, anywhere. Living or over on the other side of the rainbow bridge. The language is universal, and it works the same way whether I am physically present or sitting on my sofa - everything is energy, and this is what I connect to when I work with your pets.
  • Why do you need a photograph of my pet?
    It's so important that I have a photograph of your pet so that I can connect with their energy. Ideally, I need a clear view of the animal's eye to help bridge the connection. I can then fully imagine the animal standing in an energetic space with me which helps us to connect. Secondly working from a photograph is helpful because it takes away all enviromental and behavioural clues which may impact what I am seeing. It stops my intuition jumping to conclusions. What I see in my mind is the animal in a neutral space, so anything else I see is often a clue they're trying to communicate with me. Lastly, animals (like many humans!) often see themselves very differently to how they appear in real life, and they have also been in many different bodies - it is the energy of the animal we connect to, not the body. Imagine a tiny chihuahua who acts like a big scary dog. I may end up seeing it as a huge menacing beast because of their personality and energy and if I start telling you I'm connected to little "FiFi" who is a giant black snarling dog but is in fact a tiny white chihuahua, you won't be able to see the connection.
  • What geographical areas do you cover?
    For online and photograph connections I am available across the world and have connected with people from the USA to New Zealand. For in-person connections I am available to travel within the Hampshire, UK area. Travel costs will apply based on time and fuel travelling to and from the location. Travel costs are currently £15 per hour from PO7, each way and paid in advance.
  • Information regarding horses/yard visits.
    I love visiting horses and their owners at their homes. It's how I started after all! Just follow the steps to book an in person viewing with me, but here is a little more information specifically for horse yard visits. I am currently only able to travel within the Hampshire, UK area unless otherwise agreed. Travel Costs Those on shared horse yards can split the travel costs between themselves. There is only ever one charge for travel (£15/hourfrom PO7, each way). Travel costs must be paid before my visit. Up to 3 horses @ 1 hour connection Full costs for travel still apply. I will require a short break in between each horse. 3+ Horses @ 1 hour connection For yards with 3+ horses at one location for a full hour session I will discount each horse by 10%. I can connect with a maximum of 6 horses during a visit and will require a short break in between sessions and a short lunch break to "de-people/horse". 6 hours is a lot of talking! 4+ Horses @ 30 minute connection I can offer a 30 minute connection instead of a full hour with each horse. This is to allow for more connections due to time constraints. I will discount each horse by 30%. I can connect with a maximum of 8 horses during a visit and will require a break around halfway through. Final numbers MUST be confirmed before booking. No additional horses may be added on the day. 50% non-refundable booking fee of the total is due at the time of travel payment to secure your booking. Dates are not secured until monies are transferred. 24 hour cancellation notice is required. Dates may be transferred ONE TIME as long as notified within the 24 hour notice period. Yard Visit Notes Your horse can remain out in the field for the session and does not need to be stabled unless you'd like for them to be. I will need to be able to see them though to start the connection (unless you can provide a photograph). I do not need to physically touch your horse and will not unless they approach me. I am very respectful of your horses and whilst I don't ride (anymore!) I do have experience of being on yards and in fields. I never bring treats or food with me. You must be physically present for me to attend your horse. I will not connect with any horses without their owners/suitable caretaker present. Ensure another person for emergencies is within range. Ensure ahead of time that I am made aware of any behavioural issues, biters/kickers, areas they do not like to be touched, medical issues etc and any other issues which may cause safety concerns for myself or the horse. You must inform me of any physical or geological difficulties I should be aware of to access the yard. I do have a few mobility problems and whilst mostly they don't cause any issue, I must be informed of anything such as lengthy/steep walks to fields, potholes on the yard etc - if too hazardous you may be required to bring your horse into a more accessible area. You must advise me ahead of time of any yard rules such as speed limits, parking situations, etiquette etc and inform/seek permission from anyone who needs to know of my arrival beforehand. I am autistic, so clear instructions and directions are necessary for me. Please be aware that some of the information shared by your horse may be traumatic or emotional. Horses in particular can experience a lot of abuse throughout their lives. Ensure you are of a safe mindset and properly supported after your session. I also advise that horses have adequate space and movement to "stress eat" if they need to during the session and afterwards. I will not tolerate abuse/hostility and will leave the yard immedietly should this ever occur without seeing additional clients and no refunds will be given. (Thankfully it never has!) Please email me to discuss a yard visit on -
  • What if my session overruns? Can I book additional sessions?
    What I do is much like counselling sessions for your animals and often we cannot fit everything we need to into an hour consultation. Particularly when there are areas of trauma, PTSD and other anxiety causing issues, your animal may require a longer or additional sessions with me. All in person and virtual sessions are set at 1 hour, the same standard with human therapy. This time goes quick. When that time to end the session is approaching, I will ask if you are happy for additional time, providing I have space to allow for this. I try not to book more than two clients per day. Additional hours is charged at £30 per hour, whether it is an additional 10 minutes of the full hour, full price will be charged. You are not obligated to continue but should you wish to continue, payment for additional consultation time must be made at the end of the session in full. Should future sessions be required, there will be a reduced cost of 10% of the session fee. I would always suggest at least a week in between sessions for maximum impact and allowing processing time for both you and your animal.
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